I feel for my clients. As people we suffer so much, and yet we feel we have no control over it. However, it is that lack of control over our thoughts that puts us in a negative place.

Negativity is energy, just like positivity is energy. If we were told as children that the positive energy we muster can draw positive energy back towards us, then would we as adults be as negative about ourselves as we are?

So much victimisation is manufactured out of caring and concerned paradigms. For example, our parents may advise us not to take a certain path as they think it’ll be too challenging for us, and that we are too sensitive to handle the challenge. This leads to limiting beliefs that are restricting us from stepping into our power and autonomy.

The advice given is not malicious in its intent, for it is intended to keep us safe. But when it makes us limit ourselves and stops us progressing forwards in life, we are then self-sabotaging, knocking our confidence and putting doubt in our minds.

Truly, it is a choice to stay limited or restricted. However, so many people choose not to see and acknowledge that. Yes, we must honour our feelings and should not suppress or block them as they’ll inevitably surface at a later time. However, hurt and pain is something we are wired to overcome.

Practical ways of overcoming grievances and grudges can be explored during week 3 of my self-image coaching course. Along with joy comes sadness. For when we achieve and see others struggling there is an element of sadness. However, we can walk alongside and listen to their story, and guide and support them through sharing knowledge.

Your self-image is part of who you are, your identity and can be changed. A fragile self-image can be strengthened.

Encouragement and faith are two ingredients of a healthy view of yourself that are vital to developing positive energy vibrations.


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