Have you ever wondered where and what Valentine’s day stems from?
It dates back to the 3rd century and a Christian priest who married Roman soldiers in secret. Why in secret? The reigning Emperor at the time (Claudius II) had banned marriage for soldiers because he believed it made into poor soldiers. When the priest was caught, he was sentenced to death. While in prison he cared for the other prisoners and displayed acts and words of love. It is said that he cured a guard’s daughter’s blindness. Before being executed he wrote poems and stories of love to pass down to future generations. His name was Valentine.
200 years later when Rome became Catholic, they rooted out all paganism and pledged February 14th, the day Valentine had been executed 200 years before, as Valentine’s day. On this day expressions of love were offered to romantic partners, lovers, friends and family. Even children were given lollies as a means of expressing one’s love for them.
So how will you or your loved ones express your love for each other?
A powerful and most loving gift is to help someone love themselves more for who they truly are.
I offer style counselling to women to help them release the negative energy and unhelpful attachments they may have to clothes and style. The counselling helps women to let go of these negative associations by exploring the deeper meaning beneath; this aids in developing self-love. The program consists of colour and style analysis and a style counselling session. From this they will gain a deeper insight and understanding of their true colour palette and correct style for fit and shape. It will help restore and build confidence and grow self-assurance, allowing them to be the best version of themselves.
If you would like to offer someone a generous gift of self-love, or treat yourself to a journey of self-discovery, then book a consultation with me.
You can contact me via the contact page or via email.
Tel: (GB-44) 07833 450747