Note From My Journal

Note From My Journal

I feel for my clients. As people we suffer so much, and yet we feel we have no control over it. However, it is that lack of control over our thoughts that puts us in a negative place. Negativity is energy, just like positivity is energy. If we were told as children...
Self-Image and Consistent Success

Self-Image and Consistent Success

Can You Change? Change can be difficult, but we all want successful outcomes, creating healthier habits, e.g., exercise, organisation, healthy eating, reading, etc. Many people have good intentions for happiness, health and their relationships. However, many find it...
The Psychology of Self-Image

The Psychology of Self-Image

You choose your self-image!! Your self-image is the picture you hold of yourself. Maxwell Maltz, author of Psycho-cybernetics, argued that your self-image is not an accurate reflection of who you are! It is a mass of ideas and thoughts you choose to believe about...
My Biggest Lesson – Trusting Myself

My Biggest Lesson – Trusting Myself

This past year has brought into my awareness that myself and many others lack trust in themselves. When we are living a life that is ‘small’ but safe, we tend to think everything is ok and do not question ourselves. Starting up and growing a business, whatever it may...
Handling Imposter Syndrome

Handling Imposter Syndrome

What to do when you feel like a fraud or not deserving of success?   Do you ever feel you are a fraud and do not belong? That you do not deserve your job or the things you have achieved?   These feelings are known as imposter syndrome and it is estimated 70% of the...

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